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Baby Photography Cardiff Downs Syndrome Photo Session | Wilson

I posted a note on Facebook page asking if anyone was expecting a baby that had Down Syndrome. I really want to be the best at photographing newborns and that means practice. I had never photographed a tiny human with an extra chromosome so I wanted the experience. I feel every newborn should be celebrated and I was so thrilled when Wilson’s Mum offered to come all the way from Pembrokeshire with her beautiful 18 Day old son Wilson. He was just wonderful to photograph, I am so lucky I got to meet him and his loving Mother. He is just joy personified. Check Out Wales Down Syndrome Association for more information on Down Syndrome.

I received this love note from his Mama, it makes me so happy and I got quite emotional reading it. This is just one of the many reasons I love what I do!

“Whilst Sat at the bedside of my newborn baby after being rushed from one hospital to another via ambulance, trying ever so hard to digest the news that our little boy unexpectedly carried an additional chromosome & that he was so critically ill with an infection that we were told to expect the worst… I came across an advertisement on a special needs FB page from Lorna who was looking to photograph a newborn baby with ds.. ( I was frantically trying to find as much info on my son’s condition as possible) I knew Wilson had to be that baby and time was against us. Wilson was already a few days old & very very poorly – I contacted Lorna & explained the situation, but little Wilson was a fighter & a week later Wilson was taken off the critical list & he was allowed home. By now Wilson was older than most of the babies Lorna does newborn shoots with but because of Wilsons diagnosis, it meant he was still pretty tiny & easy to pose.
little did I know these were to be photographs that helped us so much, helped us as a family – these were conversion pieces, these were to be pictures that helped us see more than a diagnosis.. at that point only Lorna, my husband & myself knew about Wilson. Lorna & I sat & chatted in between photo shoots & feeding & we talked about everything, you have no idea what that meant to me!

We were told at the hospital to cherish every moment with Wilson as children with down syndrome can be very poorly indeed – always picking up illnesses due to such a low immune system, this was so hard to hear but we knew what was meant by that statement, this was a very emotional time for us indeed.
These photos were & are to be priceless!

The photos somehow made it easier for us inform people about Wilsons down syndrome with out us getting the – oh I’m sorry, instead we got, He’s so perfect… & yes he is perfect in every way!
Not only did we get a beautiful set of images but I got a beautiful new friend that day too. You helped me more than you could ever imagine Lorna & for that, I shall always be grateful.

Thank you
Sara M.
Ps. Wilson is now a bruiser of a 10 month-year-old who totally rocks his extra chromosome!

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Lorna Knightingale Photography
The Newborn Studio,

Nr. Llantrisant.
Mobile - 07779 014 342

Specialist newborn baby photography, maternity, family, and child photography in Cardiff, RCT, Miskin, Cowbridge, The Vale, Newborn, Bridgend, Caerphilly, and South Wales areas. EST 2011. Registered in England and Wales - Number 0796762