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Newborn BabyPhoto Shoot Mountain Ash | Elliott

Oh, this boy! Isn’t he just precious? Mum is so besotted with him, and you can see why. He is just so adorable, that nose, chin and long beautiful fingers. Elliott stole my heart instantly. We waited for this sweet little man to be ready, he arrived a little early and had a rough week of hospital visits. When he was well enough, he was such a little star. Such a character in a tiny little man, his Gremlin growl, shakey Elvis leg and loud baby Hiccups all made me smile. How adorable is this little dude! 

His Mum selected beautiful Cream and Grey neutrals for his photo shoot.

Mum says,
“Wow! I’m obsessed, brought a tear to my eye! My baby is so beautiful! You have given me the greatest gift that I’m going to cherish for the rest of my life. Your photos are truly priceless and beautiful beyond words! These are the most gorgeous baby photos I have ever seen & they are of my baby I can’t thank you enough! Thank you Lorna.”

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Lorna Knightingale Photography
The Newborn Studio,

Nr. Llantrisant.
Mobile - 07779 014 342

Specialist newborn baby photography, maternity, family, and child photography in Cardiff, RCT, Miskin, Cowbridge, The Vale, Newborn, Bridgend, Caerphilly, and South Wales areas. EST 2011. Registered in England and Wales - Number 0796762